The effects of pollution on disease development
A comprehensive exploration through qualitative and quantitative analysis of miro- and nanoplastics
Harnessing MRI to investigate post-capture trauma
Unveiling the intricacies of morphological adaptations and their significance
Our field research is all-encompassing, including
We dedicate over 170 days in the field to monitor trawlers and improve post-release survival.
At the heart of our activities lies multidisciplinary cutting-edge research, where we delve into the ecology, pathology, and conservation of elasmobranchs.
Current projects (4) run in the Mediterranean Sea, funded by: Nat Geo, Explorers Club, Discovery, Rufford and Bin Zayed.
Through the past 10 years, our researchers has published and mentored:
You can download most of our publications for free
Shark, skates and rays of the eastern Adriatic Sea
Author Andrej A. Gajić
Comprehensive review of 60 species, 330 pages, supported by ministries of three countries!
Based on projects:
– Rufford Foundation (5)
– National Geographic (2)
– Discovery Channel (2)
– Foundation Ensemble (1)
– PADI Foundation (1)
– Ministry of Science (5)
– Explorers Club (2)
Original research
The first record of gravid Gymnura altavela in the northern Mediterranean Sea, with description of foetuses
Original research
Contemporary records of the rare and critically endangered angular rough shark (Oxynotus centrina) from Adriatic Sea
Current projects
The effects of pollution and habitat loss on elasmobrachs disease development
Reviving the Lost Legacy: First data of Gymnura altavela and new hope for conservation
Rescue, rehabilitation, tagging and re-introduction of sharks, skates and rays
What lurks in the depths? Exploring the diversity of deep-sea elasmobranchs
We are backed by the most esteemed and competitive foundations globally, along with the support of the European Union, the governments of Adriatic countries, and UNEP MAP Barcelona Convention.
Projects by category
Our work is highly recognized across the globe, with more than 300 media appearances.
Besides, we partner with the worlds leading media to educate wider public and raise awareness on conservation, sustainable development and key environmental issues.
We had dozens of engagements for NatGeo and NatGeo WILD
Don’t miss our feature on disease studies airing during NatGeo Sharkfest! Watch it here!
National Geographic Magazine Download our features below:
Through Explorers Classroom we have lectured over 15.000 students from 75 countries.
Some of the most important features are given below:
“Plastic Sharks” and “What lurks in the depths?!”
Despite growing up in the mountains of a war-torn country, far from the sea, Andrej founded Sharklab while still in the high school back in 2007.
Today, we are a recognized research institution delivering essential data for conservation and receiving numerous awards and extensive media coverage.
We are funded through a combination of competitive international grants and governmental instruments.
Of the acquired funds, 55% goes to fieldwork, 25% to laboratories, 15% to education, and 5% to other costs.
2022: Honorary award of UNEP MAP Barcelona Convention
2021: Special Governmental Recognition of Excellence
2020: National Geographic EC Leadership Award
2019: Man of the Year awarded
to our CEO, Andrej Gajić
Lear more about the people who make it happen
At the core of our endeavors resides
pioneering multidisciplinary research.
Using a dynamic approach, we combine immersive diving and remotely operated vehicle (ROV) surveys, and comprehensive fishery monitoring.
Explore our current research funded by world's most recognized and most competitive funders.
Meet some of our funders here
Sharklab ADRIA 2007 – 2024 © All Rights Reserved
Designed and developed: A. Gajić