Spiny Butterfly Ray
Sharklab ADRIA has published the first record of Gymnura altavela gravid female in the northern Mediterranean which is simultaneously the only record of the species in this century for Adriatic Sea. The paper further describing attempt of in-vitro fetal incubation. Extensive pathological, immunological, radiological and microbiological examinations will be published soon!
Field Excursion
At the coldest day in January, Andrej went night diving under the trawler to locate discared sixgill shark.
Extensive fishery surveys
We are conducting surveys in both small-scale and commercial fisheries across the Mediterranean Sea.
Diseases of sand tigers
More than 30% of sand tiger sharks in aquaria exhibit spinal deformities and our team is here to help
Charismatic fauna
Besides sharks, skates and rays we frequently encounter various charismatic marine fauna, check out
Angular rough sharks
We are using axial computed tomography and digital X-ray to understand inner ear morphology
Smooth-hound sharks
For the past five years, Mustelus spp., are in the focus of our studies. Learn more about microplastics here
How healthy are Makos?
Since February, we are studying the health status of Mako sharks in the plausible nursery in the Adriatic Sea
Immunology in deep-sea
We are applying biomarkers for individual immunological response in several deep-sea species.
Neonatal sandbar sharks
The sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus (Nardo, 1827), is a bottom-dwelling shark inhabiting shallow coastal waters of temperate and tropical seas in the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific oceans. Adults attain a length of 250 and possibly up to 300 cm in total length. Feeds primarily on teleosts and invertebrates including crustaceans and cephalopods. Reproduction is placental viviparous
Special Recognition
At the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science, for the outstanding scientific international contribution in the field of natural science, popularization of science and promotion of Bosnia and Herzegovina domestically and internationally – Andrej has received Special Recognition by the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is the very first of its kind in the history of the country.
Man of the Year award
For the achievements in science and conservation Andrej received special Man of the Yaer award
National Geographic
During his residence in Washington, D.C., Andrej worked with Robert Ballard known for his discovery of RMS Titanic.
Red List amendments
After meeting with the Minister of Environment Andrej agreed new Red List amendments
Meeting with the President
Andrej was invited by the President of Bosnia and Herzegovina to discuss development of regional research institute
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Designed and developed: A. Gajić